Warrant eXchange Module
Search and share all warrant data across jurisdictional boundaries.
Search and share all warrant data across jurisdictional boundaries.
Law Enforcement Officers often face the challenge of navigating multiple systems to search for warrant data. This process can be time-consuming and inefficient.
With the CloudGavel Warrant eXchange, officers can perform these searches directly within the system, eliminating the need to switch between different platforms.
Our Warrant eXchange Module is where the warrant process begins and ends. Before officers can write warrants, they must first accurately identify the subject.
The validity of a warrant heavily relies on the completeness and accuracy of the warrant data. Our vast repository of warrant data, combined with DMV connectivity, enables users to quickly identify subjects and populate warrant data fields with essential information.
Audit Trail: Maintain a detailed audit trail of all searches and actions taken within the system.
Real-Time Sharing: Easily share all warrant data throughout the CloudGavel network.
Centralized Search: Efficiently search multiple data sources from a single interface.
Warrant Deconfliction: automatically resolves conflicts and duplicates in warrant records to ensure data accuracy and integrity.