Electronic Warrants
Create and approve warrants electronically from any internet-enabled device.
Create and approve warrants electronically from any internet-enabled device.
Current warrant processing is slow and often requires physical signatures, giving criminals time to escape. CloudGavel offers a faster, more efficient solution.
As the nation’s leader in cloud-based electronic warrants, CloudGavel speeds up the process by up to 90%, with an average turnaround time of just 27 minutes.
Our product allows officers to initiate, document, and submit state-specific warrants or subpoenas from any internet-connected device, anywhere and anytime, for rapid review and electronic approval.
CloudGavel’s eWarrant solution is economical, easy to implement, and fundamentally improves the entire public safety ecosystem. Choose CloudGavel for quicker, more secure warrant processing.
Data Security: CJIS compliant and hosted in AWS GovCloud, the most secure cloud platform on the planet.
State-Specific Warrant Templates: Extensive library tailored to various state requirements.
Integrated Video Conferencing: Allows for administering oaths for affidavits as needed.
Secure E-Signatures: Ensures legally binding signatures for documents.
Configurable Workflow: Electronically route warrant requests with notifications across officers, prosecutors, clerks and judges.
Custom API Integration: Facilitates rapid integration with RMS, JMS, CMS, and Mobile/CAD providers.